Course II Philosophers

Most Famous Enlightenment Philosophers (we will cover all of these)

(1685 - 1755)  Montesquieu  French

(1694 - 1778)  Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet)   French

(1711 - 1776)  David Hume  Scottish

(1712 - 1778)  Jean-Jacques Rousseau  Swiss

(1713 - 1784)  Denis Diderot  French  (pronounce)

(1723 - 1790)  Adam Smith  Scottish

(1724 - 1804)  Immanual Kant  German

(1748 - 1832)  Jeremy Bentham  English

(1737 - 1807)  Thomas Paine  Anglo-American

Lesser Known Philosophers (we will cover a few of these)

(1714 - 1776)  Emer de Vattel  Swiss  - International law / Just War Ethics

(1715 - 1771)  Claude-Adrien Helvétius  French  (pronounce)

(1723 - 1789)  Baron d'Holbach  Swiss 

(1738 - 1794)  Cesare Beccaria  Italian

(1743 - 1794)  Marquis de Condorcet  French  (pronounce)

(1744 - 1803)  Johann Gottfried Herder   German 

(1759 - 1797)  Mary Wollstonecraft  English - Women's rights



     Natural Law?:


     Government preference:


     Famous Works:

1.  Course Introduction

2.  Voltaire / Diderot

3.  Hume / Smith

4.  Rousseau / Holbach / Helvétius

5.   Montesquieu and the U.S. founders

6.   Bentham, Beccaria, Vattel

7.   The Aufklärung (German Enlightenment)

8.   The Age of Revolution

          The American Revolution  /  The French Revolution

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