Enlightened Absolutism

Enlightened absolutist monarchs were absolute rulers who while denying constitutional monarchy or democratic government, were influenced heavily by Enlightenment thought and implemented reform policies along those lines in their lands.

Frederick II  ("The Great") 1712 - 1786,  King of Prussia: 1740 - 1786  Hohenzollern Dynasty

Joseph II  1741 - 1790,  Archduke of Austria:   1765 - 1790,  Holy Roman Emperor:  1764 - 1790)
    Habsborg - Lorraine Dynasty

Catherine II  ("The Great")  1729 - 1796,  Empress of Russia:  1762 - 1796
    Romanov Dynasty  (by marriage)

Gustav III  1746 - 1792,  King of Sweden:  1771 - 1792  Holstein - Gottorp 

    Introduced reforms in freedom of speech and religion, "Poor laws," end of torture and promoted trade.
    Murdered by conservative Swedish aristocrats.

Charles III  1716 - 1788,  King of Spain 1759 - 1788  Bourbon 

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