The French Revolution  (1789 - 1799)

People in the French Revolution

Timeline of the French Revolution

Radical Revolutionaries

(1709 - 1785)   Gabriel Bonnet de Mably

(1713 - 1796)   Abbé (Guillaume Thomas François) Raynal

(1732 - 1798)   Giuseppe Cerutti

(1743 - 1794)   Marquis de Condorcet

(1748 - 1836)   Emmanuel Sieyès

(1749 - 1791)   comte de Mirabeau

(1750 - 1803)   Sylvain Maréchal

(1754 - 1793)   Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville

(1755 - 1794)   Anacharsis Cloots  Prussian

(1757 - 1820)   comte de Volney

(1760 - 1794)   Camille Desmoulins

(1737 - 1809)   Thomas Paine  (British-American)

"Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen"  (1789)

"A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"  (1792 - Mary Wollstonecraft)

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