Online Resources

List of Major Works of the Enlightenment 

List of Enlightenment Abolitionists

A list of Enlightenment intellectuals  (Wikipedia)

Sanford Encyclopedia's article on the Enlightenment

Sanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy @ the University of Tennessee - Martin

Historiography of the Enlightenment

James Schmidt.  What Enlightenment Project?  (2000)  (downloadable PDF)

Jacob Sol.  The Culture of Criticism:  What do we owe the Enlightenment?  (New Republic, 2015)

Michel Foucault. What is Enlightenment?  (19840 

Glossary of 17th and 18th century European religions

The Traditional Fields of Philosophy 


Article  - "Is Logic Absolute? Or Is It Relative to History?

Original Works of Philosophy

Collected works (online libraries):

The Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert.  Online at the University of Michigan in English.
Published between 1751 - 1772, the Encyclopédie contains over 70,000 articles by over 140 authors.

Early Modern Philosophy texts  in .pdf format

Online Library of Liberty

Individual works:

Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della -  Oration on the Dignity of Man  (1486)

Vattel, EmirThe Law of Nations  (1758)

More Articles

Transmission of the Greek Classics

The Renaissance

List of Renaissance Figures

Renaissance Humanism

Renaissance Philosophy

Renaissance Art

Renaissance Architecture

Renaissance Music

Renaissance Literature

Renaissance Science

The Northern Renaissance

What is the Difference between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment?

The 17th Century

The Scientific Revolution (continued)

17th Century Philosophy - The Age of Reason

17th Century Literature

Baroque Music  (1600- 1750)

Baroque Architecture

Baroque Painting

Baroque Sculpture

The 18th Century

18th Century Philosophy - The Age of Enlightenment

Science in the Age of Enlightenment

Education in the Enlightenment

18th century salons

(Baroque Era concludes c. 1750)

Classical Era Music  (1750 - 1820)

Neo-classical Art & Architecture


History of freedom of conscious / religious toleration

Philosophy Documentaries / Lectures

  Yale Courses on political philosophy:  

     Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan   (Part 1 - 45 min)  (Part 2 - 45 min).

     John Locke's Second Treatise on Government  (Part 1 - 45 min) (Part 2)  (Part 3)

     Montesquieu -  The Division of Powers  (44 min)

     Jean-Jacques Rousseau

          Popular Sovereignty and the General Will  (40 min)

          The State of Nature and Education  (44 min)

           Democracy and Participation:  The Origins of Inequality  (44 min)

           Democracy and Participation:  The Social Contract  (41 min)

Other Lectures and Documentaries on Philosophy:

     Isaac Newton's World of Physics  (72 minutes)

     Jonathan Israel's thought on Spinoza and the Radical Enlightenment (10 minutes) 

     Jonathan Isreal  -  How Spinoza was a Revolutionary Thinker  (52 minutes)

     Jonathan Israel  -  Radical Enlightenment and the Making of the French Revolution (90 minutes)

     Gottfried Leibniz -  Monadology  -  100 min discussion 

     Leibniz' Theodicy as a Critique of Spinoza & Bayle  (part 1

     Adam Smith and the Birth of Modern Economics  -  Lecture (51 mins)

     The Real Adam Smith: Morality and Markets  (57 min)

     Immanuel Kant  -  Prolegomena of Any Future Metaphysics  (68 min

     Immanuel Kant  -  The Critique of Pure Reason   
                               4.5 hours  lecture 1, 2, 3 , 4 
                               6.5 hours  8 Oxford lectures 
    Immanuel Kant  -  The Critique of Practical Reason
                                Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals  55 min

    Immanuel Kant  -  The Critique of Judgment

                          Utilitarianism  44 min   

    G.F.W. Hegel  - Phenomenology of Spirit  53 Min  Part 1, Part 2 

History Documentaries

   The Protestant Reformation (beginning 1517)  53 minutes

   The Holy Roman Empire  48 minutes  

   History of the Habsburgs  56 minutes

   The Eighty Year's War  (1568 - 1648)  45 minutes 

   The Dutch Golden Age  (1588 - 1702)  70 minutes

   The Thirty Years' War  (1618 - 1648)  42 minutes

   Oliver Cromwell and The English Civil War  75 minutes 

   The English Civil War  (1642 - 1651)  4 hours

   The Glorious Revolution  (1688)  1 hour

   Louis XIV - The Sun King  (45 minutes)

   French and Indian War lecture  (37 minutes)

   The War of the Austrian Succession  (37 minutes)

   The Seven Years' War (in Europe)

   The Seven Year's War (in North America - The French and Indian War) in 4 parts (about 4 hours)

   The French Revolution  (BBC, 2015)  2.5 hours 

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